Heart Health Screening

Heart Health Screening Q & A

What is a heart health screening?

A heart health screening is a preventive tool designed to ensure your heart stays healthy. Certain factors significantly increase your risk of heart disease. Knowing those factors — and how to mitigate them — can make all the difference. Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, and Dr. Moore offer heart health screenings to all of their patients at Sunnyvale Cardiology to help them protect their cardiac health.

What should I expect during a heart health screening?

A heart health screening is a fairly routine appointment. A few of the components of the screening include:

Blood pressure testing

High blood pressure is one of the biggest indicators of heart disease. Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, or Dr. Moore will determine if you’re within healthy levels.

Blood glucose testing

Higher blood sugar levels put you at risk for a number of conditions, including Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, or Dr. Moore may include a blood glucose test in your heart health screening.

Cholesterol test

Your cholesterol levels can be used to calculate your risk for stroke and heart disease. Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, and Dr. Moore check both your good and bad cholesterol levels at your heart health screening.

Body mass index

Obesity increases your risk of heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and more. Analyzing your body mass index helps Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, and Dr. Moore determine if your weight poses health problems.

Lifestyle analysis

Certain lifestyle choices, like smoking and not exercising, significantly increase your risk for heart disease. Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, or Dr. Moore will ask you about your lifestyle to determine if there are any potential risk factors.

Who should get a heart health screening?

Because your heart plays such a pivotal role in your body, virtually anyone could benefit from a heart health screening. This preventive tool can catch potential issues early when they’re easiest to treat.

That said, people with a heightened risk for heart health problems often reap the biggest gain from this screening. Scheduling one can help you protect your heart health against a range of risk factors if you:

  • Are a smoker
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have high cholesterol
  • Lead a primarily sedentary lifestyle
  • Have diabetes
  • Have a family history of heart health problems

If your heart health screening uncovers any challenges, Dr. Maddukuri, Dr. Mallick, and Dr. Moore will tailor a treatment plan for you. Keep your heart healthy with regular screenings by calling Sunnyvale Cardiology or schedule your screening online.

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