Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac catheterization (or coronary angiogram) is a procedure used to diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease. Cardiac catheterization provides information on how well your heart works, identifies problems and allows for procedures to open blocked arteries. During cardiac catheterization, a long thin tube called a catheter is inserted in an artery or vein in your groin or arm and threaded through your blood vessels to your heart. During the procedure, the pressures and blood flow in your heart can be monitored. Also, A contrast dye visible in X-rays is injected through the catheter allowing the doctor to visual the coronary arteries and look for any blockages. If there is a blockage, the doctor can perform a percutaneous interventions angioplasty such as angioplasty, which uses a balloon to open up blocked or narrowed arteries, and stent placement to keep the artery open. Usually, you’ll be awake during cardiac catheterization, but given medications to help you relax.

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